nice guy more or less not bothered about this or that, I'm trying to get pretty good with sfm and other 3d software like Blender. so at the moment I'll be making sfm based comics, images, and videos.
comms open.

Joined on 2/13/22

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Max201451's News

Posted by Max201451 - August 8th, 2024

you know the deal, looking for good 3d art? be it sfw or nsfw? feel free to send me a dm.


Posted by Max201451 - July 10th, 2024

looking for good-looking sfm and blender pics? I'm your lad! DM if you're interested.


Posted by Max201451 - July 3rd, 2024

looking for good-looking sfm and blender pics? I'm your lad! DM if you're interested.


Posted by Max201451 - June 26th, 2024

hey, what's new you lot? hope your all doing well. i don't really have much to say other than, ITS HOT AS BALLS!! over here. i mean I'm talking humid hot, I'm talking uncomfortable, sweaty hot. again i hope your all doing well, better than me right now.

but thats me. whats new on your end?


Posted by Max201451 - June 20th, 2024

comms are still open, got one slot left.



Posted by Max201451 - June 13th, 2024

I've got one slot left for anyone interested.

ok so that aside, hey everyone. I hope your all doing well. I don't have much to say on my part other than getting hired by someone who is into expansion porn. nice lad too. I am feeling a bit off, my mattress has finally gone to shit. sad really.

the other only thing I can tell you a lot currently is that we got a new hut for the chickens who have been giving us double yokes in an egg every now and then. I feel that's a reward given the little gits love to rein-act chicken run. no really, there's a reason why I call the head chicken freaking ginger. it's not because she's orange I tell you that much!

I will say tho I do think they like me, ginger won't try to peck my shoes while in pen with her and the other girls, and she doesn't mind me stroking her feathers. They're very soft I might add. how they're pulling that off given they walk around in what is a big-ass compost is beyond me.

regardless, I'm currently trying to talk me nan, into getting more of them, we reckon we can get our neighbours would be willing to buy some, which means extra bit on the side for us. To be fair fresh eggs do taste better than the ones from the market. I can say that's the case as I'm starting to like eggs and I always hated them.

anyway, that's me checking in, feel free to share what's new going on with you. I wouldn't mind hearing it. always nice to have a good chat. with that said, take care everyone.


Posted by Max201451 - June 5th, 2024

looking for good-looking sfm and blender pics? I'm your lad! DM is your interested.


Posted by Max201451 - May 30th, 2024

Okay, I finally updated my commission sheets. took a lot longer than I expected because I wanted them to be an improvement over the first lot.

with that said my comms are open and want to see the new prices I've made here they are

if you want to support me I would appreciate it.

thank you.


Posted by Max201451 - May 4th, 2024

ok so their duds, or at the very least look to be infertile, we ended up getting three chickens. their names being Ginger (or Nugget called by my baby cousin) Henny and Penny. the kids in my family can't help but be excited as they've rarely seen chickens. it also turns out that me uncle had never held a chicken before so he was smiling from ear to ear.

so over all no duck or phasent. (eh no harm no faul)

as for May the fourth, however I've done a bit of good today, you see my mate

aSmartBoi came for my opinion, he wastes sure whether to make a pic or not because of how badly Disney fucked up starwars (I don't blame him one bit for his hesitation, Disney starwars is a shit show from start to finish with only a few exceptions that sadly got fucked up along the way. you all know what I'm talking about.) but I asked him how much he loved og starwars and he said a lot, I then asked him how much he hated Disney starwars and he said he refuses to count it as starwars (his name isn't just for show ladies and gentleman. neither is his ass)

I then said to him "Do it. Create one with all the love and care you can!" because in truth the fan loves and respects, Disney hates and defiles. and that's what i will say to all of you on this day, create works of art that show your love for this franchise, be it for the light, the dark, for the humble droid going about their day or the stormtrooper missing every shoot they take. show Disney why their sad attempts to corrupt all that is good within this franchise will be for nothing.

for their time will come when their control over this franchise will fall and whoever takes it will have to deal with an army of fans more powerful than they can possibly imagine. and that day will come soon, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but soon.

may the force be with you all.


Posted by Max201451 - April 21st, 2024

so what's new with you lot? I've been busy with different shite, all of which are animations and getting a little burnt out on them. (the desire is there but the motivation refuses to muster!)

I've been making smaller stuff to build back up to the bigger ones while taking it easy.

it doesn't help that a lot was going on in my life, such as my mother getting cancer and nearly dying thanks to the incompetence of the hospital. (don't worry she's going to live, but for your own sake do NOT trust the hospitals here in England, there are exceptions thank god but the one my mother went to was not one of them.)

and apparently, there's a chance I might end up raising a pheasant (it was supposed to be chickens but we got chickens, a duck and either a pheasant or a sparrow. Don't ask me if I'm sure about that, we're STILL trying to figure that out. also for the record, I wanted boiler chickens! BOILER CHICKENS!! eh.)

anyway, I'm making something for Saints George Day and I've made a loop to show. it won't be on ib as it's got humans banging in it. also, another video I've been meaning to post for ages now but due to shite getting the way had to be put on the back burner. (heh fitting word for who's in it.)

that side, you know what I've been up to, I'd like to see what you've been up too. feel free to share your stuff, I wouldn't mind reading it.

thank you for your time, I hope you all have a good day, take care.
