I honestly don’t have much to say here because not much is happening. I have taken this week off from coding to make some pics and whatnot.
but other then that not much is happening on my part. whats new with all of you?
nice guy more or less not bothered about this or that, I'm trying to get pretty good with sfm and other 3d software like Blender. so at the moment I'll be making sfm based comics, images, and videos.
comms open.
Joined on 2/13/22
Posted by Max201451 - 7 days ago
hey everyone, how are you all doing?
I got some updates on my part. namely lowering the prices for my comms did a zog ton of good. lesson learned, want to make money? start off cheap like everyone else did. it's obvious in retrospect but in my defence when I first made the comm sheets I was new to it so I was going off the advice of others. it was good advice just not practical for where I'm at currently.
so yeah I've made a little more money than I normally would with my comm prices beforehand.
on that note thank you again to those who gave me a chance, your support is appreciated.
as for my coding venture. it's going dead well. I didn't do Skillshare because apparently, they wanted you to pay 135 quid upfront. which is RETARDED to me. I'm trying to save money and I was more than willing to pay a tenner a month for the service, BUT APPARENTLY NO! Stupid utterly stupid. nearly lost 100 quid there. the good news is I've had a much better go at learning how to code this time around with the tutorials on youtube.
Interestingly enough another great source for learning how to code was bloody chatgpt. i shit you not. they have an ai model that helps you with and tells you what you did wrong and how to fix it in the future. it even explains how the mechanics work and everything. its crazy honestly. but then again alot of you are gonna say "no shit! its an ai its made of code, of course, it knows how to code!" and yeah you got me there but to be fair, i'm a guy who didnt know how to fix in an error in gadot. and i fixed an error in renply today. I'M LEARNING!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
but yeah its coming on well. alright thats me, hope your all doing well. I've got 3 slots left. please consider throwing me a bone if you got the spare change. take care, everyone.
Posted by Max201451 - 1 month ago
how are you all doing? doing alright. I've got an update on my computer. things didn't go to plan as it turns out, i was better getting a new set-up this whole time.
now the good news is I've found a set-up that is compatible with the shite I already bought for my current computer. the bad news however is that it's gonna cost a grand to purchase and ship it to my place.
so here I've been looking into ways to make more money as an independent artist. so far it's make a porn game or youtube. and it turns out youtube is much like becoming an artist. IT TAKES FREAKING AGES FOR IT TO GO SOMEWHERE! seriously if i had known this a few years ago i would have gone into programming.
on that note, my comms are open, 5 slots. please and thank you.
so heres the deal, i've got a couple of projects i want to finish before i focus on making a porn game. i've already found a course on Skillshare that teaches you how to make a visual novel game using Gadot. (why there isnt one for renply, the engine used for most visual novels is beyond me.)
now once i start, will i stop making porn? no. however, i will be doing other projects on the weekends from now on or when I'm not learning to code. i still want to make good shit but the money comes first and i'm sorry to tell you a lot but my comms aren't bringing the bacon. (at least currently) so its time to focus on something that has a better chance of doing so.
it might be better to put it like this. As it stands trying to get more people to support me from commissions is currently proving to be less than desirable. my name isn't out there yet, so getting my name out there will be seen as a long-term goal. for the short term tho, I'm going to focus on programming. however, the current projects are my main focus.
with that said i do have to ask you a lot something. those of you who commission animation regardless of 3d or 2d and those artists who make animation as commissions. have you gone about it? did you pay for a set amount of time for the animation? say like 10 seconds? or did you pay for a simple loop? honestly, I'd like to get some info on this as this might help my commissions.
lastly, I'm considering creating a Patreon. now given what i just said about my commissions. I'm a bit iffy about it. i see the benefits but i get the sense it's only worth doing when you've got your name out there.
i'm also considering creating a twatter account for my art. while i'm loathed to use it in my mind it still suffers from the same shit that keeps making it a shit hole where all it takes is one cunt to cancel you over something you might not have even done. it's getting... slightly more sane. its improving is what i'm trying to say. to the point where people on there are getting a large following and support which is something I need. the question is, is it worth the risk? let alone the bullshit.
honestly, i would like to hear your thoughts on the matter. i'm iffy about it but i do see the benefits along with the potential dangers.
well thats all i got to say currently. i hope your all doing well. i hope life is going well for you and i wish you all a good one. take care, everybody.
Posted by Max201451 - January 16th, 2025
I hope your all doing well. I trust you all had a good New years and whatnot.
I've been fine for the most part. a week ago i decided to take a small break. just for a week, I noticed that haven't played any games for a while and i was beginning to put too much pressure on myself to keep working on my projects. i do want them done but it's never a bad thing to take a break to play some games and have fun.
however due to my luck, my computer was struggling to play some of them, thief: Deadly Shadows (the og thief) refused to work and Timber Borne was lagging like a motherzogger. still is honestly. I'm currently working on getting some parts for my computer. namely a new power supply unit. I've got some new graphic sticks, its just the current version is powerful enough to handle them. the sticks should also make blender easier to work with, so you might see some new blender animation from me soon. who knows.
i figured i'd also let you lot know about the projects i've been working on and how they're doing.
I've been working on a new femboy animation where sonics nailing three femlads. its based on one of my earlier works. so points to whoever can guess which one its based on.
that comic i've been doing with the Grace comic is doing well, its on its 8th page. i've got a few more to go but i am getting help from friends with it. namely dialogue. seriously you think it would be easier but its hard to think up good dialogue.
There's also this Halloween video I'm making for this year. it was gonna be last year but it would have taken too long for me to make it in time. its currently halfway there.
I'm considering doing some loop animations. but i want to get the sonic thing done first before anything.
lastly, I've been practising model making by creating several weapons in blender. there's no pics of them sadly, just screenshots. but if you want to see them, by all means, let me know and i'll upload them.
future plans. honestly. as someone who wants to improve at animation and model-making, i have a bad habit of not following up on the stuff i do. when i feel like doing something, i do it and it can mess with any plans i make. but i do want to say this.
my current plans are to upgrade my pic, just so i can finally start making blender animations.
i'm gonna be looking into and trying out skillshare. to my knowledge, its supposed to teach you about different things ranging from writing to programming. things i have an interest in.
(speaking of writing, i've got story i made some time ago. its not a porn thing, but a horror. so tell me if thats what you want to see.i wouldnt mind the feedback honestly.)
once the sonic thing is done, i'm gonna take another crack at the Halloween video every now and then. hopefully, it should be ready for Halloween this year.
what i want to focus on is creating some sfw stuff. i've got some ideas for some tf2 animations.
I've also been getting into some dnd with the lads and i'm considering doing some small bits and pieces of that. just be prepared to see some stuff that has alot of in-jokes in it.
if you want context, you can either ask ertis or
Otlan. two people who have quickly become guides for our dnd campaign, you can also ask
aSmartBoy if you want. but chances are he won't remember.
honestly, i've been enjoying myself and as someone who wishes to become a dm in their own right, i see this as more an interactive learning experience. much like those old educatiment games you would play as a child. only with more swearing and one of us running off to suck Dragonborn dick. THEY KNOW WHO THEY ARE! (anyone who doesnt play dnd, its not the Skyrim kind, let's put it that way)
there's also one more thing I want to add here. I've been thinking about what to tell you lot everynow and then. like should i just keep doing what i'm doing? Just pop in say hi, see how your all doing and tell you what i can when i can? or just tell you when i have something to add. its one of thoses. honestly, i might stick to the ladder as to me its better to just say hi, check in when i can and see how everyone's doing and just add bits and pieces about the projects I'm doing when i have something to talk about.
so, that's me. How are you all doing?
Posted by Max201451 - December 31st, 2024
I've been trying to figure out what to say that I haven't already said about last year.
and it's hard simply because a lot of last year can also be said about this one: a lot of pain, a lot of annoyances, and a lot of change. a good change, no doubt, but change no less around the world. change is slow here in England. we got incompetent dickshead in charge who have their heads up their own asses. but then again that's no different than last year.
despite that, things are changing slowly and i have hope for the future. there will be challenges. that goes for everyone around the world not just myself. but my faith in humanity still holds strong despite all the bullshit this year.
so I say to you all, Happy New Year. and let us all hope that 2025 is a happy one for every single last one of us on this planet we call home. take care everyone and good luck.
Posted by Max201451 - December 25th, 2024
it's been a long year. This is weird to me as it feels like it's getting faster each day. I'm sure I'm not the only one with that feeling.
it seems like yesterday it was last year's Christmas and now here we are. i guess time is weird a thing.
regardless. i wish you all a happy holiday, regardless of which one you celebrate and hope your all doing well this day.
take care everyone and once again Merry Christmas.
Posted by Max201451 - November 25th, 2024
How's everyone doing?
me? doing alright. found out i got a hole in me tooth. so naturally I can't eat anything sugary; otherwise, my jaw would whip me from the inside out. NOT FUN!
I've been working on this and that, and I've been playing Sly 2 again.
what can I say? The moment I heard the level music from Paris, I was pulled back in.
what else?
I got my computer opened up. big deal for me as I was scared of opening the damn thing. now I can replace the parts without being scared I've broken the poor thing. turns out getting some new pgus would do me some MASSIVE good in the long in terms of blender.
so yeah expect art to be made at a faster rate when I do eventually get some. For now, it's the same old same old.
but that's me. what about you? how are you all doing? I hope you are all doing well at the very least.
Posted by Max201451 - October 29th, 2024
hey everyone, hope your all doing well. it's been a little while since i checked in with you lot hasn't it? crazy how a few projects can make you forget shite. eh. time to make up for lost time.
SO! What have you got to tell me? How's life treating you all? I hope you are all doing well to some degree.
Posted by Max201451 - August 18th, 2024
before I say what happened, I questioned whether I should do this. whether I should make a post about a private matter. but I suppose it wouldn't hurt to share something painful with you all. i do tend to keep things to myself. (habit and all that)
on the 14th my family and me took my dog of 16 years to the vent to be put down. I'll spare you the details of how she was leading up to it. let's say, her body waste happy with food. or her own. blood. she had growths under her jaw and we later learned she had them under her back ankles. (cancer. you really are a bitch.)
we took her in and we couldn't keep ourselves from tearing up. i was fighting tooth and nail to keep it together for me nans sake. i always try to be the rock she needs. but i couldn't do it.
My first memory of her was her being a pup in my hands. she was dead cute at the time and now she was an old dog. still just as loving even in this state. She died in my hands. because I wanted her to know that even if she had to go, she was not alone.
i was there for her at the beginning so god damn it, I'll be there for her to the end.
i love you Lula, and I'll always miss you. you were the best dog I ever had. EVEN IF YOU DID SHIT IN THE HOUSE! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
goodbye, girl. i hope your happy in doggy heaven.