nice guy more or less not bothered about this or that, I'm trying to get pretty good with sfm and other 3d software like Blender. so at the moment I'll be making sfm based comics, images, and videos.
comms open.
I'll be real mate i never intend to disappear for too long, i always meant to keep popping in at least once a week. but then again I'm focused on something everything else tends to slip away from me. I'll work on that. As for me, I'm doing alright.
I've been working on a few projects ranging from a Blender comic to an sfm video that was gonna be released this Halloween but I got carried away with a game and it was cutting into the time of the video so I figured I save the video for next year and make a blender render instead.
Hey there. Luckily, life's currently 'treating' me well these days, thanks for asking.
What about you? How's it going? I hope you've been doing well too, during your 'absence' around these 'grounds'.
Max201451 (Updated )
I'll be real mate i never intend to disappear for too long, i always meant to keep popping in at least once a week. but then again I'm focused on something everything else tends to slip away from me. I'll work on that. As for me, I'm doing alright.
I've been working on a few projects ranging from a Blender comic to an sfm video that was gonna be released this Halloween but I got carried away with a game and it was cutting into the time of the video so I figured I save the video for next year and make a blender render instead.
btw you a skeleton by any chance?